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Managing Financial Crises

This week’s foundation principle is Communicate: Petition and Listen
What I’ve learned from my debt elimination plan is how to trust Heavenly Father. I need to get a new telephone and I need to get a ‘phone plan that works for me.
I have been praying to Heavenly Father to grant me supernatural debt cancellation. I have been in touch with a man who is praying for me but he is not a prophet. He just knows the Bible and I am desperate for help.
Listening is an essential part of prayer. I know I can’t get part-time work without a telephone so this month I must purchase a telephone and get a plan that will work for me. I also need to listen to what Heavenly Father tells me when it comes to tithing and paying my debts. In the past few months Telus Mobility gouged me so much I had no money left for my tithes and offerings. Now I listen carefully to the prophet.
Reviewing my budget I realized I was spending far too much money on takeout as well as on snacks and beverages. My BlackBerry was costing me over $400 a month with Telus so that had to go. Now I’m looking to go to the mall next week and maybe sign on with Freedom Mobile which many of my friends and acquaintances use. I feel good about my grocery spending since I recently had to turn to the Bishop’s Storehouse and now I have enough to last. Mostly I purchase cat food and litter for my three fur babies.
Financial crises came frequently when I was an addict. I was frequently robbed and ripped off and always spent my whole cheque on drugs and alcohol. The next day would be filled with horror, remorse and regret as I scrambled to borrow money to pay bills or went to panhandle to pay my bills or feed my cats.  Now that I’m sober I prepare for financial crises such as making a bad investment or having an accident or getting robbed by having my savings account in place.
I’m making certain to live my life in away that keeps me worthy of God’s BLESSINGS. I am back to faithfully paying my tithes and offerings and putting money in both savings accounts I’m saving up my emergency fund and I’m looking for apartment insurance by looking for an insurance company with the best claims rates. I have emergency food and water storage.
I don’t currently have any kind of insurance but I am looking into it if I get suitable part time work. Right now my budget is super-tight. It’s important to have savings because when my cat Sabrina got sick I had to borrow money to take her to the emergency animal clinic. That cost $150 and she died on the way there. It turns out she had heart failure and there was nothing they could have done to save her but I try to keep a close watch on my remaining cats.
It’s important to plan to deal with a financial crisis now because when it happens we won’t be prepared unless we have planned for it.  The Spirit has helped me out by helping me with refunds and staying with me through the government’s constant denial of the Disability Tax Credit to which I am entitled.
It’s important to thoroughly  assess a situation before taking action because I need to be certain everything is in place.
I mostly rely on myself but when Telus gouged me for over $400 I had to turn to the Bishop’s storehouse. They gave me more than enough food but I want to contribute fast offerings, not take from them! At times you may need to rely on a food bank or other community resource. We should turn to family before we turn to the Church or the community because working together through a crisis brings family members closer together.


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