
Showing posts from March, 2018


The Lake Ontario Mid-Single Adults Ward was dissolved. I participated in a forty day fast and prayer. I told people how good it was to be in a Sacrament meeting that wasn't ruined with screaming kids and crying babies. So much effort goes into YSA and YSA Institute which is nothing more than a meat market to get the youngsters pushed into marriage ASAP. I'm tired of feeling this way. I'm sick of being excluded. We have single adult activities but I hardly ever got notified about them.

In Uncertain Times

One thing I realize in life is that Heavenly Father's unconditional love for us does not equate him being unconditionally pleased with us. We can never make Father not love us. That will never happen because he is  love  in the purest form. As to whether we live a life pleasing  to God, that's a different ballgame. We all know the story of how people can slowly drift into sin through the lowering of defenses. One drink here, one look at an image we shouldn't be dwelling on, and we slowly move away from sainthood to sin. The beautiful thing is that the reverse is equally true.  We can move from sin to sainthood by slowly but surely relinquishing the things that hold us captive. Never forget we have the authority of the believer.   As Saints, we have the right to speak to the mountains in our lives.

Mormon Mission


5 Ways to Take Victory Over Food - Kenneth Copeland Ministries Blog

5 Ways to Take Victory Over Food - Kenneth Copeland Ministries Blog : Are you ready to get healthy, develop a godly approach to food and have victory in this area? Here are five ways to take victory over food today!