Protecting Your Family From Hardship

The foundation Principle here is to use time wisely.
I've always, all ways been possessive of my time. I'm so such an unrepentant Type-A about my time that I know exactly what door to be at on the subway so get out directly at the escalator and don't waste precious seconds struggling through the crowds on the platform.
So last week I chose a budgeting system and I didn't share it on my blogs until this week, so I'm actually two weeks behind. Never mind, I'm making it up for it now.
The best thing about using the debit card system is that I pay my bills at the bank machine or over the telephone. Using Interac to purchase groceries earns me Air Miles since I  bank with Bank of Montreal. I also do most of my shopping at Metro, and other places where I earn Bonus Air Miles. The most important feature to me is the convenience of using my debit card and not carrying cash. Cash can be stolen or lost and can't be replaced.
Watching this and taking this class I realize I haven't always used my time wisely. When I was undergoing chemotherapy I lost a lot of my energy and a lot of the times the medications I take have the side effect of making me drowsy. I've learned to take to take my nerve pills before bed and my painkillers in the morning. I have the kind of metabolism that opioids make hyper. Most people dose off when they take hydromorphone and hydromorph-contin but I do the opposite. Also becuase my depression has been at an all time low since the harassment by my corpoarte landlord is forcing me to re-home my fur-children, the cats I've raised since birth. By Monday 26 November I will only have Rhys and Bartholomew. Housing knows that my cats are my family and they are deliberately trying to make me have a mental health crisis so they can declare me unfit and force me back onto the streets.
I try to make the most of my time when I can. I wake up at 6:00 and meditate on the good things in my life, such as being in covenant with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. At 7:00 I pray in other tongues for at least fifteen minutes. That's something I learned in the Word of Faith Church and I haven't given it up. Praying in my Heavenly Language edifies me and refreshes me for the challenges of the day. On the days I don't pray in the Spirit I often don't feel like getting out of bed and I'm more likely to sit around reading  Gossip Girl novels. I read The King James Bible according to a daily list I get in Every Home for Christ, an evangelical group that brings Gospel to dangerous places that the LDS Church doesn't send missionaries.While I support our own missionaries with both my prayers and my finances I support Every Home For Christ with my prayers and sometimes a donation, which I will do unless I find out they are actually anti-latter day saint. People can have doctrines different than our own without being anti. This is is why I'm a Partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries Canada and holder of a Limited Use Temple Recommend.
So the thing to do each day is pray, list my tasks, pray again, set my priorities, set my goals, act, and report. This is a lot like living the Tenth Step in Twelve Step Groups. It's wonderful how being in covenant with Heavenly Father brings all those things together!  I've set my week up like this: Monday is laundry day, Tueday is ironing day, Wednesday is mopping day, Thursday is sewing and mending day, Friday is sweeping day, Saturday is baking day, and of course Sunday is the Sabbath, the day for Church and extra Scripture Study.
Some things I need to save up for are a new sewing machine, a sewing kit, hand weights, jog bras and sports bras. Walking and jogging are free forms of exercise and I can go to free yoga and Tai Chi classes at Among Friends, the mental health group I to which I belong. I also need to buy more large storage containers for my clothes. Some of the clothes I wore are now too big for me as I steadily lose weight by sticking to the Word of Wisdom, eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables as close as possible to their natural state.
One way Ive learned to save money is to hand was things like socks and underwear. I just use some cleaner and wash my socks and under wear in the sink then hang them over the shower curtain rod to dry. It saves a lot of money in the laundry budget, believe me!
Last December, when my beloved fur-daughter Sabrina died of congestive heart failure, I learned that the all night animal hospitals won't help a patient unless you have $150 cash. I had to borrow the money from my social worker and by then it was too late. The only consolation I got was that even with the money Sabrina would have to be out down. Her lungs kept filling with fluid and the best they could give her was six months in constant pain, costing me thousands in after care. However, in order to protect my family from hardship I need top put aside $150 in a tax free savings account. I'm going to open a TFSA in the New Year and begin putting $120 a month into it.
I'm the head of my household but Rhys and Bartholomew are my fur-sons and their well-being is my chief concern. Being robbed of my fur children by Toronto housing and that "agreement" I was coerced into signing because of my post-traumatic stress episodes caused malicious neighbors to try to take my housing away from me. These malcontents weren't happy with gossiping and spreading rumours about me, they had to get housing to take away the only reason I have to live, my  beautiful cats. However, Heavenly Father had compassion and lest I become suicidal for sorrow upon sorrow, he saved Rhys and Bartholomew for me.  I need to take my Last Will and Testament to a Notary Public because I need to be certain my fur-sons are in the best of care should something happen to me.
I don't have any kind of life insurance and I want to be buried in consecrated ground, not cremated. I'm sure the Church would pay for my funeral but I need to put up savings strictly toward my fur children just in case anything happens to me.  I can't afford life insurance and until I start working part time in a suitable job I won't need it.
What blessings will come to my family for having a one month emergency fund? Why is is more important than paying down debt? Having a one month emergency fund will keep the wolf from the door. It means I'll be able to turn to my fund in times of hunger when finances are low. I already have quite a bit of canned food and goods and corn meal, all of which will help in December when I pay $360 for my Avon purchases.  These purchases are helping me with my self-esteem as the ravages of grief are showing too much on my face from the constant crying over my cats and the constant crying from Toronto Housing and their ongoing campaign of harassment against me.
Thank God I don't drive but I do need to think about buying pet insurance. I need to have $150 set aside for veterinary emergencies.
I am very fortunate to live in Canada and have health coverage for basic health needs but often one need premium insurance for more benefits. OHIP won't pay for my liposuction although I desperately need it to escape the body in which I am trapped. While the Word of Wisdom is helping me lose weight and following the Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous is helping somewhat but I need a drastic change. Still, getting into despair over the governments BS isn't going to help me right now.
I'm BLESSED to have Ontario Disability Support Program cover my needs such as medication. Due to my PTSD I'll never be well enough to work full time but I am going to try to work with a group that doesn't have low functioning people. I'm torn between Career Dynamics and CMHA. CMHA seems to cater to a lot of low-functioning types, but the Career Dynamics head was a total see you en tea who always ignored the fact tht I didn't work on Saturday. This was before my conversion to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when I was experimenting with Seventh Day Adventism. I still have a great deal of respect for the Adventists, BTW.
Reviewing this I realize how Heavenly Father has BLESSED me. I live in Canada so I have health insurance to cover things like the hysterectomy I had to get in January of 2016. My medications are covered by ODSP. However, and this is the important thing: GOD is my source, not the Provincial or Federal Government. This is why I don't fear Doug Ford's talk of Welfare Reform.  Heavenly Father will always provide me a way to get by. As long as I do my part in the Covenant Heavenly Father will Hold up his end.


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