The Gift of Grace

Several years ago, before the Elder Missionaries began teaching me the truth of the restored gospel, I was involved in what is often termed the "Growing in Grace" movement. The basic (fallacious) teaching  of this movement is that the more you sin, the more opportunities you give God to show grace. 
I was convinced (I mean, honestly deceived) that every thing I did was covered by grace. I would go on shoplifting sprees and drug binges and praise God that I was covered by the blood of Jesus so the law could no longer apply to me.
As extreme as this seems, I really was not alone in being snowed under by this deception.
Bad things happen when Scripture is taken out of context.
Grace is essential to salvation because we can NOT,{ not ever, no, never} earn salvation.  Latter Day Saints know this as much as any other denomination but  far too many self-professing Christians are taking this out of context and satan is grabbing onto half-truths to  scam the foolish into buying lies.
So many carnal Christians are fooled into  thinking that grace is some kind of diplomatic immunity that allows us to sin as much as we want and still claim salvation.
Grace is a gift and it was never meant for us to treat Heavenly father and Jesus Christ as though they are naïve fools!  We are fooling nobody except ourselves if we fall for this lie of the devil.


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