
Showing posts from November, 2018

Protecting Your Family From Hardship

The foundation Principle here is to use time wisely. I've always, all ways been possessive of my time. I'm so such an unrepentant Type-A about my time that I know exactly what door to be at on the subway so get out directly at the escalator and don't waste precious seconds struggling through the crowds on the platform. So last week I chose a budgeting system and I didn't share it on my blogs until this week, so I'm actually two weeks behind. Never mind, I'm making it up for it now. The best thing about using the debit card system is that I pay my bills at the bank machine or over the telephone. Using Interac to purchase groceries earns me Air Miles since I  bank with Bank of Montreal. I also do most of my shopping at Metro, and other places where I earn Bonus Air Miles. The most important feature to me is the convenience of using my debit card and not carrying cash. Cash can be stolen or lost and can't be replaced.

Sticking to a Budget

The foundation principle for sticking to a budget is to solve problems. As a Single Saint I only have to answer to God and my cats. I’m trying to set realistic financial goals and I’m saving $60 a month. Eventually I want to get Cool Sculpting done and that will cost me $1500 but it’s a realistic goal to set for health and beauty. I’m sorry to say that I’ve been letting personal stuff interfere with my blog. I live in Toronto Housing and I’ve been being terrorized by my landlord and some malicious neighbors. Knowing I’m in covenant with Heavenly Father is the only thing that’s been keeping me sane but now I’m ready to catch up. The challenges I’ve had with keeping my commitments is that I haven’t been diligent in writing down everything I earn and spend. My neighbor is agoraphobic so I do her shopping for her, earning ten dollars on each shopping trip. I usually give in to my natural man when I do and spend money on impulse purchases at the counter, usually a Cottage Country Surp...

Creating A Budget

The foundation principle for creating a budget is live a balanced life. I try to keep the daily demands of life in balance by living one day at a time, as I learned from the 12 Step Groups like Addiction Recovery Program. I set aside time for meals, Scripture study, playing with and caring for my cats, and exercise but I struggle to achieve balance with those things. Sometimes I have to read two days of Scripture in one to catch up, sometimes I feel exhausted and my place is too messy to do proper exercise, and sometimes my post traumatic stress is so bad I can barely drag myself out of bed to face the day. It's at these times that I have to call upon my Father in Heaven to strengthen me to shoulder my burdens. The Savior achieved a balanced life by ministering to others, retiring to pray, teaching, spending time alone with God, being surrounded with crowds,  and resting. He knew when he ne...