
Showing posts from October, 2017

All the Single Ladies!

Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to be able to fulfill my destiny in the mortal realm. I know that I'm meant to use my own struggles to serve as a beacon to others but I'm having a hard time manifesting that into reality. I have this blog and other forms of social media but if no one responds do I know I'm doing any good? Yet as I contemplated this today I found myself reading 1 Corinthians 7:34 and once again realizing this is my identity. I don't need to be married off and tied down to a mortal family to serve the LORD. Let's face it, a single woman's Priesthood holder is the Lord Jesus Christ himself.  Who's  better qualified?

My Little Family

Overcoming the Storms

😚Many times I hear various authorities on Scripture talk about the storm described in Mark as sent by the devil. After all, they reason, if God sent the storm Jesus opposed God when he calmed the storm. I suppose from a natural point of view that might be true but we know that Jesus only di what he saw the Father do and only said what he heard the Father say. So Jesus wasn't opposing the Father when he calmed the storm, but I no longer believe that the storm came from satan. Let's look at the situation: The storm is raging and howling all around and Jesus is sound asleep in the stern of the ship. The disciples wake him, saying, "Don't you care that we are perishing?" We are often in the same situation, tempest-tossed and  wondering if our Father in heaven knows or cares, even wondering if he's so angry at us that he sent the storm to chasten us. I can assure everyone from personal experience that this is untrue. First, we have to take our eyes off our cir...

When The Catnip Kicks In | Funny Cats Compilation


gatinhos miando e falando bonito compilação gato


Gatinho Macaco


Know Who You Are in The Anointing!

Romans 3: 21-26 states that the righteousness of God apart from the Law has been received . I thoroughly dislike how people take Romans 3:23 out of context here when it's one line in a whole paragraph! When you read the whole thing you see that Paul, inspired by the Holy Ghost, wasn't bringing attention to our sins but  to our redemption! No one can boast that their own works have saved them-Heavenly father knows we've sinned.  Paul is pointing out here that since we  all sin (all believers) we all are freely justified by The Atonement since heavenly Father has caused the angel of death to pass over our sins, seeing we are washed in the Blood of the Lamb, so that God demonstrates his righteousness, "that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus." Our Father in Heaven does not want to focus on our sins but on who we are in The Anointing of the Anointed Jesus, and that's where our own focus should be. The amazing, humbling thi...

Well Ain't This Just Gee Dee Beautiful?

So this blog has existed for less than five seconds and it's already giving me headaches *she snarled as a female Jack Nicholson in The Shining* Seriously, I'm trying to post and let readers see my profile. I'm also trying to edit my profile but for some reason known only to Google (and God) I'm unable to get to it. Why me? No, wait, not melodramatic enough. Why meeeeeeeee?!!!?!?!?!?!?!WHY? WHHHYYYYY? (crescendos into scream and drops to mumbled threats against all creation) Yeah, that's it. 

Welcome To My Weblog!

Okay, I know I post on Tumblr as well but this is a more relaxed way of blogging. I know there are more single LDS people out there than married and I also know that for many of us singles our animal companions are our family. So I'm just going to be sharing my thoughts on the Restored Gospel and links to any thing I enjoy, whether LDS-related or pet related or not. I look forward to your thoughts.